Tiger Cubs get some fresh air

Katja and her three cubs came out to play today. They look adorable! Even with all those teeth 😉 Samkha and Visili are the males. The female is not yet named. There are an estimated 350 to 400 Siberian tigers left on the planet, nevermind in the wild. Here’s a few pictures we took when …

World’s most adorable sea otter

If you haven’t subscribed to Otter501 on youtube yet, you are missing out. Videos used to be posted frequently, but now they are making a documentary and they just give us a glimpse from time to time. Still, it’s just the thing you need to start your weekend off with a smile!

An overcast day at the Zoo

It’s mid-march and winter is over for the most part.. but it will take a few months before it will feel like spring again. And on a lazy Saturday afternoon, even the animals seem to want to nap.. except for those crazy penguins – all 46 of them.

Tigers, Lions, Leopards and Cougars

I was at the zoo today and was fortunate enough to witness a siberian tiger cooling off in the water. He didn’t even blink and took a drink while he was in there! Do not steal these pictures. It will come back to haunt you. [simpleviewer gallery_id=”1″ bgcolor=”000000″ gallery_width =”100%” gallery_height =”600″]